
Hi. I'm Gina.

Welcome to my blog.  This blog documents my journey to loving my body and anything else that comes my way.  Hope you have a nice stay!




I was lucky enough to attend an event that loft had done for their new plus size line. Honestly never attended anything like this so wasn't quite sure what to expect!  Boy was I pleasantly surprised!

I left work early to hustle to make my train and head into the city!  For me going into the city on a "school night" very rarely happens, and because I wasn't sure what to expect I was hoping I wouldn't be disappointed!  I got there a little late and was hoping I could still get in since the email said "space is limited to the first 150"!  Thankfully I made it just in time. 

When entering the room filled with similar women, I instantly heard speaking, they had already started the panel!

The photo to the right was stolen from @gabifresh.   This is a photo of the amazing panel of guest speakers. These women were talking about what they've been through to get to where they are now!  It shows that everyone has there own path or journey.  It's just so motivating and inspiring to see a wonderful panel of guests.  I've followed a few of them for a while and got introduced to a few new ones to follow on Instagram and I suggest you do as well click there names under the photos.

I don't think I've ever been to an event and felt more like it was meant for me than this event.  The best part is I didn't even go with anyone else I went alone and I wouldn't have done it any other way!  It was such a great experience can't wait to attend more in the future.  If I do attend more I vow to talk to a few more people and interact with women who attended just like me...and yes just in case any of you are wondering I am wearing my timbs with a sequin skirt.  Why not dare to be you while doing it comfortably!

With all this being said I think I'm going to make 2018 all about things that I might not normally do! So I'm going to try and step outside my comfort zone as much as possible.

Took this super excited selfie with Denise Bidot! Can you tell I was so excited I cropped off my head! lol

Took this super excited selfie with Denise Bidot! Can you tell I was so excited I cropped off my head! lol

Even though this post was more about me and how I felt attending an event like this. Please also check out some of the amazing clothes that Loft is putting out for women like us!  Below are just a few images I took showing the beautiful quality of some of there clothes. Not only are they making a whole plus size line, but they are doing it with amazing materials and colors. Some of the pictures below aren't available online anymore, but make sure to take a look at because they are constantly adding new plus product to the site.


Avenue #FashBash

Avenue #FashBash

New Year....New Me...really though...

New Year....New Me...really though...