
Hi. I'm Gina.

Welcome to my blog.  This blog documents my journey to loving my body and anything else that comes my way.  Hope you have a nice stay!

Meditation, calming the voice inside my head.

Meditation, calming the voice inside my head.

One of the first things I wanted to look into was meditation.  This again is one of those things I’ve always wanted to try just never new how to get started.   One of my main reasons for wanting to meditate is to be more present, more in the moment and to quite the voice inside my head.  Sometimes I find myself picking up my phone for no reason but to check Instagram while I’m with my family.  Do I really need to be checking this now?  Why can’t I enjoy this one moment?  I also think there’s a lot of work I need to do internally to make this journey successful.  A large part of this journey will be silencing the voice inside my head

One of my favorite podcasts that I listen to is called The Alison Show on it one of the things Alison always says is “You have more resources then you know”.  I love this quote because I think a lot of people including myself are afraid to ask for help.  It just so happens that one of my husband’s friend’s wife’s Tennille runs The Mindful Scroll website and happens to offer meditation training, classes, and wellness events. 

Meditation practice isn’t about trying to throw ourselves away and become something better, it’s about befriending who we are.
— Ani Pema Chodron

She was running a “create a meditation practice workshop series”. This was a 3 part series, unfortunately I was only able to attend one of these workshops, but looking forward to attending more in the future.

Clearly that was all I needed.  It was so great not only did she explain why meditation is beneficial and what it does to our brain internally, but she also showed us a beautiful breathing meditation, that I have been doing ever sense.  At the workshop we started off with 10 minutes.  I’ve slowly worked my way up to almost 20.  And have been implementing from that moment on.   Some days are better than others, but I continue and that’s all that matters.  I’m hoping I’m able to attend another meditation workshop with Tennille soon. 

If there is anyone interested in meditation please don’t hesitate to click her name right here Tennille’s, to get to her site The Mindful Scroll.  You won’t be sorry.

stepping outside my comfort steps

stepping outside my comfort steps

One of my favorite go to looks...

One of my favorite go to looks...