
Hi. I'm Gina.

Welcome to my blog.  This blog documents my journey to loving my body and anything else that comes my way.  Hope you have a nice stay!

Welcome to BERRI

Welcome to BERRI

BERRI big edgy real radiant iconic

Welcome to the Berri blog.  This blog is dedicated to women like me struggling to love their bodies the way they are.   To think I’ve gone through most of my life having constant negative thoughts about how I look, how my body looks and what people think of it of me as a result is overwhelming.   Along my path I’ve been taught that having this size body wasn’t acceptable.  

My name is Gina and as far back as I can remember I’ve struggled with my weight and my relationship with food, as well as my body image.   I’m currently a size 16-18 top and 18-20 bottom. I’m hoping some of you can relate to me or my size.   My blog is going to explore some of my true passions like fashion, dressing a plus size body, yoga, mindfulness, beauty and most importantly what beauty REALLY is, all while trying to break down the walls society has built up around me.  

I’ve finally decided to and jump and create a blog.  Woohoo – a cause for celebration!  I’m sure you’re asking yourselves why we should be celebrating my journey when there are approximately 152 million blogs out there?!  Simple.  It’s because I’ve jumped – jumped straight out of the window with no net to catch me.  I know it sounds cheesy, but this is something I’ve wanted to do for years, only my inner thoughts always held me back.  Until now that is.  You know that little voice inside that can say the meanest of things?  “Omg Gina – you can’t write!” “What would you even be writing about?”  “Would anyone even be remotely excited to read it?”  Well I finally stood up to that annoying little voice.  This is not about anyone else but me.  I know that may sound selfish, but this is finally my opportunity to share my struggles and my triumphs with the world because I know there are people out there who may be feeling the very same way.  And perhaps I can help.

Maybe it’s because I feel like I’ve found my tribe of big beautiful women who embrace every inch of their bodies without shame.  Fabulous women like Tess Holiday, Gabi Fresh, Fat Girl Flow and Margie Plus. They don’t know me, but I feel like I know them.  Seeing them in their beautiful glory, I slowly allow myself to be me, giving myself permission at long last.  The way these women fearlessly show their bodies is such an incredible inspiration.   So I thank them for being who they are as it frees me to be myself.

And so begins my journey.  My journey to loving this body - the skin I’m in!  I’m not sure where this blog will take me, but I’m ready for the adventure and I hope you are as well.  So join me in being Big, Edgy, Radiant, Real and Iconic…Welcome to BERRI.  

People often say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I say that the most liberating thing about beauty is realizing that you are the beholder.
— Salma Hayek
One of my favorite go to looks...

One of my favorite go to looks...